Protecting The Rights Of Whistleblowers
State and federal law provides protection for employees who expose illegal activity on the part of their employer. In cases where employers over-bill or otherwise defraud the federal government, whistle blowers are entitled to a percentage of any money recovered as a result of their testimony and willingness to come forward. At THE WOLF LAW FIRM, our lawyers advise and represent whistleblowers in cases involving corporate corruption and government fraud. When necessary, we coordinate information and investigative activity with state and federal law enforcement, ensuring your rights and interests are protected throughout the process.
Whistleblowers — Exposing Corruption And Criminal Activity
Our attorneys represent whistleblowers who expose the following kinds of criminal activity, fraud, and general malfeasance on the part of employers or other wrongdoers:
- Medicaid fraud
- Medicare fraud
- Over-billing the government
- Fixing bids
- Illegally dumping toxins into the environment
- Under reporting corporate income
- Insurance fraud
- Stealing from employees’ pension funds
When You Have A Whistleblower Case
Under Michigan’s whistleblower law, employers are liable for monetary damages when they attempt to punish an employee for exposing illegal activity on the part of an employer. Employers are subject to monetary damages if they harass, intimidate, or fire an employee for any of the following:
- Refusal to engage or participate in illegal activity.
- Notifying managers or supervisors of one’s intention to contact the authorities regarding illegal activity.
- Agreeing to cooperate and work with law enforcement officers or government agents investigating allegations of criminal activity.
Qui Tam Whistleblowers
Under the terms of the federal False Claims Act, the government can recover up to as much as three times the amount it lost due to fraudulent activity on the part of a defendant. Persons who step forward to assist the government are referred to as “qui tam” whistleblowers, an abbreviation of a Latin phrase which refers to someone who acts in a manner benefiting himself and his King. Most qui tam cases involve companies who over bill the government in the areas of health care and contracted services.
Once a qui tam whistleblower steps forward, the government will review the case. If it decides to prosecute those suspected of defrauding the government, it will help protect the whistle blower’s job and provide him or her a percentage of any money recovered as a result. Our attorneys represent qui tam whistleblowers in their interactions with the government to ensure their rights are protected and the government honors its commitments.
Learn More About Your Whistleblower Rights
It’s not uncommon for managers or supervisors complicit in illegal activity to look for ways to misdirect, intimidate, even fire employees who do not approve of their actions. In so doing, however, employers expose themselves to additional liability for retaliation. Whether you are interested in stepping forward as a whistleblower or are the object of harassment due to your decision to expose wrongdoing, we can help. We have the experience and resources needed to protect your interests and assert your rights.
For more information and legal help regarding your case, contact our firm via email or by calling 866-820-9574.