Innovative Solutions For Your Legal Issues

Experienced Injury Representation On Your Side

Injuries suffered as a result of a dog bite, slip and fall accident, or other property accident can leave a person with medical bills, lost wages, and lasting physical and emotional trauma. Although most property owners carry property liability coverage, it can still be challenging for accident victims to obtain a fair settlement from the insurance company.

An experienced attorney at THE WOLF LAW FIRM in Lake Orion can help ensure that your claim receives due attention from the insurance adjuster, as well as help you negotiate a settlement that covers the full extent of your losses. Our team has a strong background in insurance defense litigation. We have handled countless complex property liability claims on behalf of hotels, restaurants, and other property owners.

Holding Property Owners Accountable

Commercial and residential property owners have a responsibility to keep their property safe. Failing to appropriately restrain a dangerous dog or other animal, not providing adequate lighting or security or not keeping walkways free from debris, snow or ice, may be considered negligent behavior. When property owner negligence results in a serious accident, the homeowner or business can be held liable for any injuries under premises liability.

Examples of some of the property and liability claims our attorneys handle include:

  • Dog bites, dog attacks, and other animal attacks
  • Slip and fall/trip and fall
  • Food poisoning
  • Assault, rape, or other attacks caused by inadequate security
  • Hotel or building fires and/or gas explosions
  • Other property and premises liability insurance claims

Michigan Dog Bites — If you were bitten by a dog or your child was attacked by a dog, it may not be necessary to demonstrate negligence. Michigan law holds dog owners strictly liable for injuries to victims who had a right to be there (i.e., people who were not trespassing), and who did not provoke the animal.

Contact Our Staff To Learn More

If you or a loved one has been seriously injured on someone else’s property, contact our firm to learn more about your legal options. Send us an email or call our office at 866-820-9574 to discuss the incident with a lawyer.